Monday 02 September 2019


Applications are now open for the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) Youth Pathway Coaching Programme.

This will be the second cohort of Coaches to be recruited for this prestigious programme, which has been developed in collaboration with the Equestrian Olympic and Paralympic disciplines and is funded by Sport England. The aim of the programme is to give coaches within the Youth Pathway more insight into the holistic development, which is broader than just technical skills, to nurture the potential of the developing youth athlete from an early age. Coaches will be given insight into the key stages of a child’s cognitive and physical development and how these stages are best managed to promote their well-being alongside their development as an athlete.


Topics covered will include how to support and develop the young athlete's personal identity and confidence, understanding the impact of environments and appropriate coaching strategies for the key cognitive and physical development stages as well as areas covering each coach’s professional development.


Feedback from Coaches from the first cohort outlines the benefits of this innovative Coaching Programme.

Dressage Coach, Charlie Hutton comments, “I undoubtedly would not be the professional I am today without the support I received from the Youth Pathway Coaching Programme. The knowledge and support that the programme provides has proven to be priceless to me as I developed my career both nationally and abroad as a rider and coach. The vast array of tools that their training has given me as an individual and a professional has been invaluable on many levels”.

This is further supported by Showjumping Coach, Mia Palles-Clark, “The team spirit that was made over the programme was fantastic and has endured. The information from the various speakers and experts we met along the way was so valuable and incredibly interesting. It has definitely shaped the way I coach and my understanding of youth riders’ needs has developed hugely. I would sum up the programme as being enlightening and empowering. I couldn't recommend it more”.

Applications are invited from coaches within dressage, para-dressage, showjumping and eventing, who reside in England and hold a UKCC Level 3 qualification in their relevant discipline and currently working within the Youth Pathway.


Applications open on Monday 2nd September 2019 and will be accepted until 5.00 p.m. on Monday 23rd September 2019, with interviews being held on Wednesday 9th October or Thursday 24th October 2019.


The application form can be found at:


All programme queries from potential applicants should be directed to Georgie Wheeler:    Tel: 02476 698904.


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